I thought that the video was very much appropriate for an up-and- coming educator. First of all, it mentioned that not all students can benefit from the same style of learning. Therefore, having a group of students all doing the same thing, with the same learning goals, is looked at as something of the past. Focusing on the importance of technology and creating an educational space that mirrors the students' real- life surroundings is critical.
According to the video, one of the challenges that we face is that there is no clear vision of exactly what education is, or what it should look like. Looking at this, it is also important to realize that if an educator, doesn't "use it" they will "lose it", with regard to technology and the connection they have with their students. Modern day education has come a long way from the homogenous one- room school house. Our classrooms are now built on diversity, and rely very much technology to connect, teach, and inspire students to learn and become life-long learners.
You have summed up the ideas contained in this video. As educators we can now utilize new technologies to better meet the great variety of student needs.