Monday, January 30, 2012

                                           3 Ways To Use Blogs In Your Own Teaching

1.) Journaling- First off, using blogs to journal can be an effective way to engage your students actively in writing.  Seeing the jet- set society that we live in, and considering how our students are surrounded by technology, logging onto a computer to journal is typically a more attractive alternative to writing in a notebook.  A benefit to both the teacher and the student is that a blogspot can serve as a filing cabinet.  That’s right! No more “ I left it in my locker”, or “Can I bring it in to you tomorrow?”  Blogspots offer an accessible and user friendly approach to journaling.
According to the NYS ESL standards, journaling would fulfill STANDARD 2: Students will listen, speak, read, and write in English for literary response, enjoyment, and expression.

2.) The development of expertise in a particular subject-  If a teacher were to assign a research project in which some of the students  had similar or the same topics, blogging could be a way to share information, clarify, and further analyze, as they work together collaboratively to progress as experts in an area.  It could be a requirement that each student had to make a certain number of posts on another person’s blog with the same topic.   In addition to looking at information, written work could also be evaluated – as a means of peer review/editing.

According to the NYS ESL standards, the development of expertise in a particular subject would fulfill STANDARD 3: Students will listen, speak, read, and write in English for critical analysis and evaluation.

3.)Communicating with others outside of the class-  Using blogs as a way to maintain the critical relationship between the school and parents is another way that blogs can facilitate communication in an around the school.  While not all parents may be as tech savvy as some, I feel it would have to be a supplemental form of communication at this point, in addition to newsletters that go home.  The benefit, though, it would be accessible instantly to parents, covering special news, and important events.

In addition to communicating with parents, something which I would personally like to try is using a blog for penpals.  Having connections with schools in Central America, I think it would be a great way to share letters, pictures, and even video, making the lengthy waits and uncertainty of penpals something of the past.

According to the NYS ESL standards, communicating with others outside of the class would fulfill STANDARD 5: Students will demonstrate cross-cultural knowledge and understanding.

Link to ESL standards - Link to ESLStandards


  1. These are all excellent suggestions for meeting ESL language standards by using blogging. Your contacts in Central America may prove very useful for doing collaborative projects with L2 learners in the US. Such projects need a lot of planning and ePals is a great site for ideas.

  2. As I have posted on another blog, I feel journaling is a great use of the blog for students to express, track, and look back on their progress through the semester. In an ESL classroom, this would also be a way of giving the students more opportunity to practice their written language skills.
    After seeing other bloggers' ideas, I will definitely be incorporating a journal into my online classroom.

  3. I think it's really neat that you mentioned how blogs are like a filing cabinet where journals can't get lost! "No more “ I left it in my locker”, or “Can I bring it in to you tomorrow?”" I like this notion and how it helps out teachers who must have journaling in their curricula!
